Safety & Security

Shatterproof Window Film

Looking for a way to shatterproof your windows? Security window film is applied directly onto your glass surface and strengthens your glass by 2-3 times. If your glass does have impact, the security film will either prevent it from shattering, or hold the shattered pieces together, increasing safety for everyone.

Safety & Security

How shatterproof window film works

Our shatter resistant window film offers immediate safety protection on your glass surfaces and is installed directly onto the existing glass surface. If your glass is impacted, the film holds the shattered glass together, increasing safety for everyone involved. When installed with a silicone attachment, your glass is even more safe by keeping the glass attached to its frame. Safety and security film gives you peace of mind that your security system is complete and your space is as secure as possible. 

  • Strengthens glass by 2-3 times
  • Prolongs forced entry time
  • Protects against impact, intruders, natural disasters, and more
  • Affordable security solution 
  • Blocks 99% of ultraviolet rays 
how shatterproof window film works
Safety & Security Products

Film options for shatter resistant windows 

3M offers a variety of options for shatter resistant window film that will help increase your window's safety and security. Click on a product below to view specifications.

 3M Safety S40, S70, S80, S140  3M Ultra Night Vision S25

If you are searching for a way to prevent your windows from shattering, you are probably looking to strengthen your glass, and security film is what you need. A simple yet effective solution to add to your existing security system.

3M Ultra Prestige S50, S70 3M Ultra S800
Safety & Security Film Thicknesses

Various security window film thicknesses that determine levels of security and protection

How American Window Film specializes in shatterproof window film 

American Window Film is a multi-location commercial window tinting company that specializes in security window film to help prevent shattering. If you are interested in security film, the process is simple. Our sales team will do a consultation with you to determine if your goal is to protect against glass breakage, intruders, prolonging forced entry, etc. We will work with you to determine your best option and what type of attachment system would work best for you and your project.  From there, our installation team will install the security window film and you will experience immediate results.

Over 35 years of shatterproof window film installations

1,291+ reviews and counting

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“Very professional outfit installing 3M security film on my windows. They came in and did exactly what they said they would do. They also problem solved a couple window issues I had on the fly. Everything looked great when it was done and they left the house as clean as when they came."

Gregory C., Seattle, WA

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