American Window Film installed window graphics to a business in San Jose, California! This customer has large glass walls and doors that make up their conference rooms, private offices and break rooms. They liked the look of the glass walls and doors but they really wanted something custom that would personalize the office space. The business owner wanted something that all employees would love and could enjoy on a daily basis. With that being said, they thought it would be cool to have custom graphics installed on the windows and doors throughout the office. They heard about window graphics and called up American Window Film to learn more about them and see if it would be a good fit for their office. When it comes to both window graphics and wall graphics you have a ton of different options. You can choose to install a solid color, a custom design or an already printed image. This customer knew they wanted something custom that would incorporate the whole office so they actually had a meeting about what people would like best.
Being located in San Jose, California, there isn’t a lot of green trees or even seasons for that matter. The employees of the company decided they would like a calming nature scene of beautiful green trees to be installed on the glass throughout the office. The whole company really liked that idea, so that’s what they went with! Once the company had an idea of what they wanted to install, they worked closely with our in house graphics team to create the actual design. They decided they wanted two different scenes installed. They wanted one installed in the break room and one installed outside a few private offices. Our graphics team helped the customer find the perfect design for their office. Once the design was created, our graphics team sent over a proof to the customer of what the window graphic would look like. This gives the customer the opportunity to tweak or change anything about the window graphics before they get installed. Once the proof gets approved by the customer, our graphics team produces the window graphics and sends it over to our operations team to get in scheduled and installed! American Window Film followed back up with the customer a few weeks after the installation to see how they were liking their new window graphics. The customer said they were so happy with their new window graphics. Not only do they love how they turned out, they loved that it brought their office together. They came up with the design together and now it is a great talking point. Window graphics can easily be removed with no damage to the glass if the customer decides they no longer want them. In addition to window graphics and wall graphics, American Window Film also services solar film, decorative window film, anti graffiti film, security window film and exterior building wraps. If you are interested in getting window graphics installed to your office, contact American Window Film today for a free quote!
Window graphics give you the flexibility to create a custom design for your office space. Contact American Window Film today for a free quote!
Corporate Location: 23042 Mill Creek Drive, Laguna Hills, CA 92653
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