A Quiet Product Improves Safety and Comfort


Peter J. Davey, President, American Window Film, Inc
You can’t see my product. Many clients prefer not to mention them.
Yet they offer you protection in many ways. In a perfect world, I’d walk you through Boston, Providence and other major New England cities, and I’d point out buildings that have windows secured with window films that we’ve installed. But I can’t. Nothing would please me more than to promote the highly prominent government and commercial structures that have windows retrofitted with quality security and energy conservation win­dow films that our company represents. But I won’t.
Building owners and property man­agers are hesitant to call attention to security issues even when they have taken the initiative to minimize risk. Letting patrons know that security was ever under consideration is a marketing and public relations “no-no” for many of our clients. Although I can’t aggressively promote many of the large commercial and government projects that our com­pany has completed, I take great pride in representing the “quiet” product that provides invisible protection.
3MTM Scotch”‘ Brand Window Films help prevent injury from flying shards of glass. They help reduce the harmful effects of UV rays such as skin cancer and fading of fabrics and furnishings. They conserve energy by reducing heat loss in winter months and heat gain in summer months. In addition, they reduce nuisance glare on computer monitors and television screens and improve a building’s overall aesthetics by remov­ing from view the clutter and inconsis­tent window treatments inherent in rented commercial property. And while they are “quietly” doing their thing, they are paying for themselves with the energy cost savings they provide.
Depending upon the type of window — clear, tinted, insulated, single or double pane — and the desired effects — energy conservation, security, UV protection or aesthetics — there is an appropriate window film. 3MTM ScotchtintTM Plus All Seasons Films work to save energy by reflecting indoor heat back into the room. Featuring Wavelength-Selective metals which block more of the solar spectrum than conventional metals, these Low-E (emissivity) window films can reduce heat loss by up to 23% to 30% and can reduce air conditioning costs by blocking 55% to 73% of the sun’s heat. Upon installation, personal comfort is improved and the reduction in drafts and fluctuations in temperature can generate considerable savings on fuel expense.
The strength of 3MTM ScotchshieldTM Safety & Security Window Films is credited to 3M Company’s patented micro-thin, alternating layered technol­ogy to enhance tensile strength and elongation. Per GSA test standard pro­tocols, Applied Research Associates, Inc. conducted a series of high explo­sive blasts on panes of glass with applied ScotchshieldTM security films at the Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico. An equivalent of 500 lbs. of TNT was used as a test charge placed at various distances from these glass panels. 3M security films provided sig­nificant reductions in glass fragment hazards compared to unprotected win­dows. They performed very well, meet­ing specified criteria for GSA buildings with security classifications of Level C and D. 3M films meet ANSI Z97 and CPSC glazing standards, and their construction delivers superior perform­ance over standard polyester films in blast and impact mitigation due to its ability to absorb shock. They are a durable, tear-resistant series of polyester films that provide high optical clarity and have proven themselves in the field.
Building owners and managers are purchasing security window film for perimeter windows in order to mitigate the destructive effects of explosive blasts, vandalism, and severe weather and their associated impact on business continuity. Compared to the expense of glass replacement, retrofitting with security window film offers an afford­able option for improving safety. Efficient and professionally trained installers provide minimum interruption to production activities. The added bene­fits of reduced heating, cooling and HVAC maintenance expenses provide good reasons for facilities managers to justify their investment on future energy cost savings
With so many window films on the market, choice becomes a challenge. An experienced window film dealer and manufacturer with the financial strength to invest heavily and consis­tently in research and development will be your best asset when selecting a window film appropriate for your needs. Currently an $18 billion diversi­fied technology company and an IS09002 certified facility, 3M contin­ues to place emphasis on research and development. 3M is the only win­dow film manufacturer that produces their own raw materials such as poly­esters, metals, scratch-resistant coat­ings and adhesives. Window film is only as good as its adhesive. A bad adhesive will produce bubbling and blistering — distortions created by ther­mal cycling that can ultimately result in seal failure. Unlike others, 3M’s ultravi­olet inhibitors are included directly in their adhesive. This ensures lifelong clarity and reduces UV degradation, thus providing long-lasting protection from fading of fabrics and furnishings.
If you’re traveling through Boston, it’s all around you. Providence? Yes, it’s there as well. It’s watching over you in Manches­ter and Portsmouth and Worcester. It over­looks 128 and 195. Although I may not be able to point out every building our com­pany has filmed, I can say that 3MTM Scotch”‘ Brand Window Films are qui­etly going about the business of keep­ing you safe and comfortable while improving our clients’ bottom line.
Peter Davey is president of American Window Film, Inc., a 3M Authorized Window Film Dealer located in Foxboro, MA, 800-274-TINT, www.americanwindowfilm.com.